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May 21, 2015

Nine Months Later

  Photograph Angela - 38 Weeks - 4 by Jay Scott on 500px

You may remember the above photo from last August. The one below is from yesterday, nine months later.

  Photograph 9 Months Later 1 BW by Jay Scott on 500px

The colour version can be seen here.

Our little pumpkin trying to crawl to me, unaware of the ledge before her. She's a bright girl, but babies really need their parents' protection from unrealized consequences to actions. She's understanding correction and warnings quite well. We weren't sure when a child can understand "no" but I guess we know now.

  Photograph 9 Months Later 2 by Jay Scott on 500px

When Paul and I were out for exercise this past Victoria Day, I stumbled upon a great little cove on campus. I'd not gone down there before due to the steep ramp. We were feeling strong and confident in our hill climbers so, down we went. Without a camera bag on my lap to slow my progress, we made it up the ramp but it was pretty difficult. However, going down was worth it. What an incredible little hideaway one building over from my previous favorite place to shoot. With some patience and wheelchair technology I will definitely go back there on future sessions.

  Photograph 9 Months Later 3 by Jay Scott on 500px

After seeing that spot I knew I had to make some portraits there in the very near future. So, that's where we ended up since Fiona was still doing well after our photos in the Health Sciences building. The first was with some added light, the second was just finding that right spot, fill light bouncing off the sidewalk, shade for the soft side light and slightly darker in the background to make certain my girls were the literal and figurative bright spot of the photo.

  Photograph 9 Months Later 4 by Jay Scott on 500px

I keep talking about it but I really think that it's time for a daddy and daughter photo next. I have the concept. Now, to find the time.

May 3, 2015

Zoo 2014 - 8

No, the year in the title of this post is not incorrect. These photos were made in 2014. It just took me this long to dig them up as I was cleaning and sorting to make room for this year's shots.

It's not that so much was being missed by not sharing these but it would bother me if I didn't finish off the year, as it were.

I said before, but I certainly have become dependent upon lists. It may be the age, it may be the new baby, there may be other factors. Whatever the causes, neglecting posts like this are exactly what happens when I don't have itemized tasks.

The snow-like seeds in the air were lovely because they were combined with warm sunshine, not frosty wind chills.

The first blooms of the season always go too quickly. Thankfully they make room for the next round. This year we've noticed our lilies have popped up much earlier than usual. Maybe we will see their beauty before the end of August this year.

As you saw this winter, you can always count on the loveliness of pine trees to keep a bit of colour around, any time of year. I try not to neglect them during the warm seasons when they are overshadowed by the vibrant colors around them.