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Jan 27, 2015

10th Anniversary Roses for My Sweetie

  Photograph 10th Anniversary Roses 2 by Jay Scott on 500px

Last week was our 10th anniversary. We both have no idea exactly how it came up so quickly. Counting milestones such as building a house, getting a dog, Angie beginning working from home, Fiona joining us, along with numerous other smaller things, seem to all blur together into a significant portion of our lives lived together.

  Photograph 10th Anniversary Roses 1 by Jay Scott on 500px

Because of this it was about time I bought my wife some nice flowers. I don't do it often enough. I guess we are just both so practical that flowers don't often rank high on the list of priorities. More often we are likely to buy each other a treat from the store or something consumable like that, if it's going to be something that has a temporary life.

At any rate, I did enjoy photographing them and had considered purchasing flowers to photograph for long winter weeks. I guess this time I got the best of the best as a bonus for buying them for my dear Angie. I hope you enjoy looking at the photos as much as she has enjoyed looking at and smelling her roses.

  Photograph 10th Anniversary Roses 3 by Jay Scott on 500px

Jan 22, 2015

I Miss Summer

Granted, it's between 15 and 20 degrees above normal, and I have no problem with this reprieve as I'm sure we'll get more winter, but it's just not the same as actual, jacket-free summer.

  Photograph Watermelon Slice by Jay Scott on 500px

Digging through the archives, I found a photo made this past summer that never got posted. We eat a lot of watermelon in this house when it's in season. We're working on a mini watermelon right now, but it's nothing compared to the splendor of the seven or eight the two of us ate this summer.

Jan 20, 2015

Five Months, Already

  Photograph Five Months by Jay Scott on 500px

Difficult to believe. Even more difficult to think I'd put together a three-light setup for her on this chilly day. Must pretend to enjoy winter a little bit. I'm sure she'll enjoy going for a ride in daddy's sleigh once she can sit up independently. It won't be long at the rate she's progressing.

Jan 1, 2015

Delynne, Mark, Jordy & Josh

I had been bugging Delynne for a long time (like, 18 months) to let me do their family photos. We finally got serious about it and found a time that would work with their family's busy schedule. I think it was the results from my session with Paul and family that made her want to get the family together to get it done.

  Photograph December Family Session 6 by Jay Scott on 500px

Unfortunately, because of unexpected events and having to push our shoot date back we missed out on the temperatures and scenery that make for the nicest photos. It's not that we couldn't have ducked outside for a few shots but it was a cold, windy day and we were dealing with two quadriplegics, here. On a day like that just ducking outside briefly would have had the two of us chilled and shivering for the rest of the day, not to mention the time needed to bundle back up for those brief minutes.

  Photograph December Family Session 2 by Jay Scott on 500px

Thankfully, the new health sciences building on campus is just a delight to shoot in. Excellent light and a beautiful mixture of old and new style. Some very modern brushed metal and some very old, deep dark mahogany-like would all surrounded by classic textured stonework.

Some barriers have been broken down in recent years by the likes of people such as Joe McNally, David Hobby, Chase Jarvis, Zack Arias, and Peter Hurley, to name just a few. These photographers have freely shared many of their techniques, tips and methods and have taken away the gnosticism of the past, held close by many photographers. 

That information was what set the photographers of old apart and kept their business running. With the freely shared information and affordability of digital camera technology, their need to find a new way to stand out is not unlike musicians needing to find new ways to generate income with the prevalence of piracy of music. I'm not condoning it, just making the comparison based on my observation of the success of those who have tried fighting it and those who have tried finding new ways to work around it or work with it.

  Photograph December Family Session 3 by Jay Scott on 500px

Each of the boys arrived with a prop, Josh with an excellent new Fedora and Jordy with his guitar. I wasn't entirely sure how to best portray them before the shoot because, honestly, I don't know them that well. But when they showed up with those items I knew it was going to be a breeze to make something that represented them well.

  Photograph December Family Session 1 by Jay Scott on 500px

  Photograph December Family Session 5 by Jay Scott on 500px

Delynne brought her usual genuine charming smile and piercing eyes.

  Photograph December Family Session 4 by Jay Scott on 500px

Even Mark, like most men, who are there but not the most fond of being in front of the camera, posed for an individual portrait. He didn't seem that comfortable when I suggested it awhile prior to this shot but I'm really glad that I got him to sit down and do one of just him by himself. He really brought it and should feel confident in how comfortable he looked before, during and after I made the photo.

  Photograph Bortis by Jay Scott on 500px

I had to do something with beautiful angle light coming in near the back of the building. This session was potentially an album cover for Jordy so Josh was my first choice to put in this light since I was aware of the disproportionate number of photos of him. The last thing the little brother needs is to see his big brother, once again, getting more attention than he is, right?

Delynne was impressed that I managed to get some real smiles at him. If he's anything like our one nephew a genuine smile and a photo is a true accomplishment. Too many years of being told to say "cheese" trains kids to produce a lot of unnatural smiles. Here's a pro-tip: try telling them to say "cheek" next time. It will look a lot more natural.

  Photograph December Family Session 7 by Jay Scott on 500px

I know that my typical style is not always the extremely bright, overly flattering, very common photos that most people want. Of course, I don't want to bring out the most dramatic and darkest parts of the people I'm photographing but I also think that a tasteful edge is quite possible while still flattering your subjects' appearance.

Case in point, my favorite shot of the day. Jordy doesn't look menacing or threatening, just sophisticated and confident. That's the same location as his dad's photo from above and just 5 meters away from his brother's photo. I'm just grateful that the fun personality each of the members of this family has gave me an opportunity to produce both traditional and slightly edgy photos of them. It was one of those sessions where I had no idea how much time we had spent and I could've continued shooting but they had scheduled activities before too long so we had to get going.

  Photograph December Family Session 8 by Jay Scott on 500px

It was a great day and I hope that Delynne, Mark, Jordy and Josh will choose me again to help preserve memories of their family on a regular basis in the future.